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Welcome to Rogue Fang. The Furry Underwear Brand!

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Soft Reset

Soft Reset

Hey, nice to have you here, okay, you might be wondering what this is all about, we'll explain in a moment, but first, a bit of context. 
Rogue Fang was born in 2019 after a Kickstarter that allowed us to release The Crown, a bundle with The Deer Jockstrap, The Wolf Jockstrap and The Behemoth Jockstrap. The first versions were good, but we wanted more. 
In 2020 a second Kickstarter is launched with The Crown but this time of briefs, plus a new guest, The Dragon Jockstrap. Another successful campaign, but what happens next? 
Things get complicated, although we didn't know it yet, you see, Rogue Fang is formed by a graphic designer and illustrator, not an economist, not a manager. 2021 starts to demand more from me than I thought and between one thing and another, we can move forward to 2023 to tell you a hard truth: We've been aimless. 

OK, so what now? 2023 was an opportunity for us to start taking notes, to analyze and to start correcting errors. There is no imminent risk, but we have corrected things that would otherwise have jeopardized the project's viability.  

Inflation, lack of information and other issues have complicated our plans. If 2023 has given us a wake-up call, we have heeded it and 2024 is a year of change and action. Between you and me, The Dragon Low Rise Brief is one of our bestsellers and yet we were giving it away, and sometimes paying you to buy it (€0.69 nice).  

2024 is a soft reset. We've got our hands full, new website, more hands to help out in the warehouse (give a warm welcome to Chestnut!), and a roadmap that's looking pretty good. Plus, we've been doing a bit of introspection, looking at what makes us Rogue Fang.


OK, time for the Q&A  

What about sale items, aren't you going to restock? 

Yes and no. You see, designs like The Wolf Jockstrap SI are almost 5 years old now and don't sell as good as they did in 2019/2020. It's the same with The Deer Jockstrap and the briefs (The Deer Trunk, The Wolf Boxer Brief & The Behemoth Boxer Brief). So, no, we don't plan to restock these products now but in the future? They'll be back.  

So, what's going on now? 

Well, we are already working on replacements for the products that are leaving, we have a new visual line, a goal and a desire to create. So, things are coming, and we hope you like them as much as we liked designing them.  

Is there a risk of Rogue Fang disappearing? 

I would love to say no, but the truth is that there is a risk. And I'm sure this would have happened if our minds hadn't been put to work. The new shop puts us on the right track. The designs we have in mind are going to be very cool. Hopefully these first two changes (there are more, but those are happening under the hood, although the effects should be noticeable) will yield the results we hope for.  

Stage II 

It's more than nomenclature, it's change and refinement. We want to try new fabrics and experiment with shapes. The first batch of jocks/briefs has given us valuable information and we are going to apply it to new designs. That's the great thing about designing from scratch, we have total freedom to choose, create and innovate. 

Anything else? 

Yes, but you'll have to wait 🙂  

Oh, last but not least, have you seen the new Rogue Fang drawings? Obaum (NSFW) is doing them, give him some love!

We're going for it, we're looking forward to it and we want you to be with us in this time of change. 2024 is going to be great.  

The Rogue Fang team. 

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